Bee And PuppyCat Wiki
Bee And PuppyCat Wiki

Apartment 101 is the apartment where The Wizard Family and Toast reside in. It is located within the building Cardamon's family, neighboring that of Bee and PuppyCat's apartment.


When you first walk in, the room has a 'space wizard' type of theme. This is assuming to be the living room. The walls are purple. Furniture like mats, curtains, or chairs have stars and planets.

Paintings with rich frames are also scattered around the walls, with pictures consisting of wizards, unicorns, dragons, and owls. Also in a side room, there are sea green couches and blue pillows. The kitchen looks average, with brown cabinets, purple stools, and a couple of house plants.

Each room of the house at least has one plant. The kitchen also has many cooking supplies, this may be because Deckard is a prep cook.

The bathroom is a baby blue color, with moons and star stickers on the shower. There are several house plants in the bathroom too. There is an embroidered purple sign on the door reading "Bless this mess."

Deckard's bedroom is filled with many house plants. There are blue striped walls and red mystical gems decorating the room. His bed has diamonds that seem to be floating, and the mat underneath has a diamond pattern with moons on it.

The bedroom also has a small closet with no door and blue curtains around it, with his clothes, some drawers and other things inside. There is also a stack of books beside a shelf filled with various potted plants and a window above his bed



  • As of Lazy in Space, Toast, and, later on, her children with Merlin, also become permanent residents of the apartment.

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