Bee And PuppyCat Wiki
Bee And PuppyCat Wiki
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The Cat Cafe is a restaurant in Bee and Puppycat. It is also the place that fired Bee at the beginning of the Pilot, as Bee is wearing the Cat Cafe uniform.



Its resembles as a small normal house that is unpainted with a red roof. There's a white cat cutout board standing next to the door holding a staff with a bell on top. The window is a cat like colorless stained glass.


The kitchen on Fire! The kitchen on fire after Deckard Wizard, Accidentally set it on fire Baking.

The cats of the Cafe!

The kitties of the Cafe!


The Cat Cafe is home to several cats, including Charles, Mayor Grandma, and Mr. Sweaty Napkins.

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ve Places in Bee and PuppyCat
Earth Apartment 207Apartment 101Temporary AgencyMama MartGlitch GorgeCat Cafe
Other Dimensions Bee's DreamsCat Head PlanetDonut PlanetFishbowl SpaceJelly Cube PlanetSpace Temporary AgencyCloudworldCloudworld PubPalm Planet