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“I Won’t Leave You Alone” is the sixteenth and final episode of the current season of Bee and PuppyCat: Lazy In Space, preceded by Now I’m Really Alone.

Overview And Plot[]

Culinary School’s much harder than Deckard expected. But when he decided to quit and go home, his self-assured classmate insists on tagging along. After helping Bee clear away the tears, Moully is captured by the Warlocks. They decided to use him to catch Puppycat, turning him into a corrupted puppet with their arms. Bee and Puppycat work on repairing Puppycat's ship. They return home to fetch equipment, where they see Corrupted Moully. Cardamon's mother wakes up and is revealed to be none other than Violet. Bee rushes to help Moully, by using her robotic strength to fight the warden's hands. The episode ends on a bittersweet note. After Bee has been torn apart by corrupted Moully, her body releases sentient components that live inside of her, The components finish off Moully, and take on Bee's likeness using Wish Crystals. They bring Bee's body to the shore, where Puppycat uses his Magic Ring to reboot her system. Violet takes control of he situation, telling the inhabitants of the island spaceship, to leave or tie themselves to something, and for Puppycat to pilot the ship. As the ship rises and takes off, Violet and Cardamon return to their sleep state, and Bee gives a small smile.


Main Characters[]

Supporting Characters[]






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ve Episode List
Pilot Part 1/Part 2
Season 1 Food/FarmerBeach/CatsBirthday/GameToast/Dogs/Wedding/Donut
Season 2 Gentle TouchLittle FingersSnow and VioletsDay Off WorkMy FavoriteDo You RememberBird FriendTwo Clown NosesFunny LyingGolden EyesWhy Don't You Help MeNow I'm Really AloneI Won't Leave You Alone