Bee And PuppyCat Wiki

Patrick Seery is a voice actor and a crew member in Bee and PuppyCat.

Roles in Bee and Puppycat[]

He is the voice actor of Pretty Patrick.


Patrick Seery is known for his work on Clarence (2014), being the animatic scanner, the production assistant in Adventure Time (2010) and Bee and PuppyCat (2013), doing the voice of Pretty Patrick and being writer and colorist of the comics.

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ve Bee and PuppyCat Companies and Crew
Companies Cartoon HangoverFrederator StudiosKickstarter CampaignVRVOLM, IncDong Woo Animation
Crew Natasha AllegriMadeleine FloresFrank GibsonFred SeibertZac GormanSina GraceBecky DreistadtGarrett Jackson Hans TsengEfrain FariasJi in KimWill WiesenfeldPendleton Ward
Cast Tom KennyKent OsborneAllyn RachelMarina SirtisHannah HartRoz RyanAlexander James RodriguezAshly BurchFreddie Wong